Crédit Photo : Lionel Pesqué Photographies

Sébastien Briant, the first organic and plant-based catering chef

With his ethical and high-end plant-based catering offer, Chef Sébastien Briant advocates a healthy lifestyle that respects the living world. Vegga Bio was the first organic and plant-based caterer available on the internet and remains a reference today.

Sébastien Briant discovered cooking in 2000, at the Lycée hôtelier Saint-Louis, in Montargis. It was there that he learned the basics of traditional cuisine and the rigour of the profession.

At the end of his studies, Sébastien worked at the restaurant ‘Les Antiquaires’ in Orléans. He then realised that starred catering is a very tough environment, in which he did not really fit in.

Three years later, he quit the job to focus on his passion: music. And it is in the Rasta* culture that he finds his inspiration. This culture made up of respect and sound educational words will lead him to a new way of life.

Respect through cooking

In this new cultural environment, Sébastien discovers strong values ​​of respect. He works in particular in event production, gradually offering his culinary creations. From this experience, he emerges with new ideas and energies.

A short experience at Soya in Paris also allowed him to discover macrobiotic** cuisine and a dietary approach focused on respect for humans and nature.

At that time, the advent of organic food encouraged him to follow this movement, whose environmentally friendly approach resonated with him. While there are still very few organic and vegetarian restaurants in Paris, Sébastien decided to create his own organic and plant-based catering business.

Photo Credit: Vegga Bio

A new way of thinking about catering

Created in 2012, Vegga Bio is the first vegetarian/vegan e-catering service and is certified AB by Ecocert. This is a new kind of catering service, available on the internet, offering a high-quality vegetarian offer.

Vegga Bio now offers several services intended for professionals and individuals:

  • “At the table”, “Buffet” or “Lunch box” service, in the form of cocktails for companies or private events
  • Homemade and seasonal meals, delivered to your business or your home
  • Home catering service
  • Advice and support service for restaurateurs, within the framework of creation or conversion projects to plant-based cuisine
Photo credit: Lionel Pesqué Photographs

An environmentally friendly offer

Sébastien worked at the Ferme du Bec Hellouin and this experience made him want to produce his own organic vegetables.

So, in his house in Lot, everything is being organised. The house is already bioclimatic and the land has been certified AB for two years. He cultivates small fruits and vegetables there and thus wishes to promote very local work. At the same time Sébastien is also developing a larger project, with the idea of ​​offering a place to host private events and internships related to well-being.

In the meantime, and in order to limit his ecological footprint, the Chef has chosen to source from Biocoop, favouring bulk purchases as much as possible. As for organic waste, it is collected for his compost.

To limit the use of plastic, Sébastien offers his customers to rent crockery if the budget allows them. Otherwise, he mainly uses bamboo verrines and wooden cutlery. He is also experimenting with edible cutlery, in line with the evolution of his offer.

Photo Credit: Vegga Bio

And the services of Vegga Bio are very popular. Sébastien had the opportunity to collaborate with several major brands including WWF, Universal, Enercoop, Ecocert, Biocoop, Greenpeace, AVF, Le Théâtre du Châtelet, Aromazone, Cop 21, Bjorg… with very positive feedback.

For Sébastien Briant, being a Catering Chef means having good knowledge of the field. It is also being in contact with people, learning from each other, and passing on a little of oneself to grow together.

As for his idea of ​​top-of-the-range plant-based catering, for him it is something that is not only reflected in the plate and which can be reflected through the atmosphere created around the dish. But it is also, and above all, being able to transmit values ​​through his cuisine. A new form of luxury to be build, which is, no doubt, more natural and committed.

Translated by Malvika Kathpal

Learn more :

WebsiteFacebookInstagramYoutube * The Rasta movement (Rastafari) is a social, cultural and spiritual movement that developed from Jamaica in the 1930s. (Source: Wikipedia) ** Macrobiotic nutrition is a technique that aims to nourish the body in the most just way possible, without lack or excess (according to the notions of Yin and Yang). (Source: Wikipedia)

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